Digital Marketing

8 Qualities All the Top SEO Agencies Have in Common

Are you going through the process of finding an SEO agency? It’s hard to identify the top SEO agencies if you don’t know what you’re looking for. However, every good SEO agency does have a few things in common.

In the article below, you’ll find a list of eight things to look for when choosing an SEO agency. Read on to learn what to look for.

1. The Agency Promises to Report Quality Metrics

Your SEO agency should be able to produce reports that show how well they’re doing. These reports should include metrics like SERP ranking, average ranking over time, and organic traffic. SEO is measurable, and the best SEO agency partners can produce metrics that show progress.

2. They Ask You to Make Improvements

If you’re wondering how to choose an SEO agency, you may be surprised if the agency asks you to do some work. However, great SEO is only possible when the agency works closely with its client to produce results. A professional SEO agency will likely ask you to do some internal linking or produce some content.

3. The Agency Measures Results in Leads and Sales

When you’re looking for the top SEO company, try to find a partner that reports in terms of revenue. The agency should be able to tell you if their efforts are driving leads and sales, not just traffic. One of the benefits of SEO services is that you get more leads, and your SEO agency should be able to show those benefits.

4. Your Agency Sets Realistic Timelines

SEO doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for your site to move up in search rankings. Be wary of SEO agencies that promise results in days or weeks. It’s more realistic to expect results in three to six months.

5. The Agency Has Good Reviews

When you’re looking for small business SEO agencies, look at the agency’s reviews on Google and Facebook. Do people seem to be satisfied with the agency’s work? If so, you can move forward with confidence. 

6. The Agency Has a Page for Case Studies

Any top SEO company should have a page on their website devoted to case studies. You can look at these case studies to determine whether or not the agency has done successful work in the past.

7. They’re Responsive

When you’re communicating with the agency, do they respond right away? If so, you can expect the agency to be responsive throughout your entire partnership. Few things are more frustrating than working with a business partner that’s slow to respond.

8. The Agency’s Site Has a Good SEO Ranking

Your SEO agency should be able to prove that they’re capable of doing SEO on their own site. You can use a tool like Ahrefs or Moz to check the site of your prospective agency. 

Finding the Top SEO Agencies

Now that you know some of the best ways to find SEO agencies, you’re ready to start your search. The tips in this post should help you identify the top SEO agencies in your area.

If you’re interested in learning more about SEO, stay tuned to all the latest blog posts going live on this website. 

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