
Amazing Voicemail Application For You In 2021

Voicemail Application

In this era of messaging and texting, voicemails still hold their value. At the time of phones with voicemails, you don’t need to write messages to anyone who is not answering your phones or is busy. 

Now while reading this article, many readers can be nostalgic, I have a piece of good news. Although now phones don’t have an inbuilt voicemail feature, there are many apps that can do the same work. 

Yes, you read it right, there are many applications available out there which offer voicemail services. And like today, most of the mobile users have Android phones, so here we are with the best voicemail app for Android

YouMail – Top Voicemail Application   

When you search, you will find a hell good number of voicemail apps out there. Some may be free, some with transcription features or others. 

So we are here with our best voicemail app, YouMail that has a plethora of features. It is loaded with incredible tools that make it the first choice of users. 

This app doesn’t only allow you to send traditional voicemails but also offers many modern features. With these features, the application gives a professional touch to the user experience. 

Talking about the features, we can count the following features in the list-

YouMail Voicemail App Features-

1. Hassle-Free Voicemails 

If you are trying to call your family member and friend and they are busy or not answering at the moment, then you can send them your voicemails. 

For that, you have to record your message after a beep sound, and it’s done. Simple right, that is why this app got the easiest voicemail feature. 

2. Call Blocker

Every mobile user can understand the pain of annoying spam calls. And if you are also one of them, then this feature will make you happy. 

This feature blocks every spam call or robocall that can irritate you. Even sometimes, these spam calls are dangerous for us and can steal our crucial information. 

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With that, it got smart intelligence too. Because whenever any spam caller tries to call you, it plays “out of service,” so they will not try your number in the future. 

So this feature doesn’t only save us from frustration but also from every possible threat. 

3. Trace Caller ID 

Yes, it can also accurately trace caller ID for you. It helps, especially when you are having missed calls from unknown numbers, and you don’t really know to call back or not. 

With this app, you can find the identity of any number that has called you. And you also search for your own in the search bar. 

Also, if available, it can display the photo ID of the caller and any link available. 

4. Visual Voicemails 

This app can transcribe your voicemails so you can see them from any device. All the voicemails that are received on your number are automatically transcribed and sent to your mail as well as in a backup cloud server. 

So you can access the voicemail messages from any device and respond to them. 

5. For Professionals 

What makes this voicemail app unique is that it is for businesses too. This app has tons of features that can be used by businesses and companies. 

It got custom voicemail greetings, auto-replies, and an auto-attendant feature for business. With that, it also professional voicemail greetings, add the second phone number and free conference calls and unified inbox. 

So with these features, you can manage your personal and professional calls at the same time effortlessly. 

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These are some of the features which you can use for you and for your business as well. 

Final Verdict 

So in this article, we have discussed the best voicemail software. This application is outstanding not only for personal use but for professional use also. 

At this time, when we have so many messaging platforms, the feature of voicemail is still important. It doesn’t only make our work hectic-free but also saves our callers from being neglected. 

This becomes even more important when you have a business, even if it is small. Thus this app is capable of managing your personal and professional work and is worth considering once.

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