
How to achieve a gleaming, healthy smile!

Captivating smile, can significantly improve attractiveness, boost persons’ confidence and generate an impression on others for years to come. Although minor teeth imperfections add additional charm and underline individual aura, the majority of celebrities and public figures pay a lot of attention to keeping their smiles as dazzling as possible. We suggest that you consider going for a routine cleaning or get dental implants massapequa ny to get a flawless smile. We will show you common techniques, rituals, and procedures that can significantly improve the aesthetics of your teeth – and generate a positive buzz around you.

Quit smoking

Besides the fact that smoking causes teeth staining and generates unpleasant long-term bad breath, it can lead to gum recession and gum diseases treatment more difficult. Decreasing the frequency and amount of smoked cigarettes will have a significant impact on the condition of your teeth, gums, and the quality of your breath.

Dental plaque and tartar removal

Since dental plaque is a transparent bio-film developed on teeth surfaces from the accumulation of food particles, harmful bacteria & other microorganisms, its removal is crucial for maintaining a healthy condition of teeth. If dental plaque is not removed, it hardens and transforms to tartar – difficult to remove dental calculus that leads to gum beading, periodontal diseases, and even tooth loss. In order to prevent occurring these issues from happening, dentists recommend using products for dental plaque removal as well as scaling procedures in dental offices.

Brush and floss on a regular basis

Although brushing the teeth at least 2 times a day is perceived to be an international standard in oral hygiene, dentists say that a big part of their patients does not do that regularly. Forgetting about brushing teeth after meals & before going to bed can create undesired bad habits that lead to poor oral hygiene and cavity build-up. Additionally, regular flossing sessions significantly reduce the risk of food particles, bacteria & microorganism accumulation in inter-dental areas that are difficult to reach by a common toothbrush.

Adjust your diet

Maintaining a proper diet is one of the crucial steps in achieving a healthy & gleaming smile. Avoiding sugar-rich products limit the accumulation of bacteria & dental plaque and therefore lowers the risk of cavity formation. Adjusting the consumption of intense colored drinks such as coffee, red wine, beetroot juice; and foods like meals containing ingredients intensive in color (soy sauce, tomatoes, curry, berries, etc) help to reduce teeth staining. Refraining from such products is particularly recommended at least 24 hours after the teeth whitening treatment. According to dentists such a “white diet” is a must, as our teeth are prone to absorb colors from external substances like foods & drinks, especially after whitening sessions.

Teeth whitening treatment

One of the most popular ways to improve our teeth aesthetics is teeth whitening. It can brighten the teeth’ tone from 2 to up to 10 shades. In-office whitening delivers the most impressive results, and it usually takes around 1 hour, but can also be costly. Other whitening systems from brands like Crest, Philips, Dr. Martin Schwarz, and others, provide significant teeth brightening improvement and can be performed at home or with a help of a dental professional.

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