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How to Recover Corrupted PDF Files Using PDFBear

The life of a student includes managing electronic files regularly. You can’t possibly survive a day without using one. Now that you witnessed all the benefits of using a portable document format. With this type of document, you will not encounter any issues in the formatting and layout of the document, regardless of it has a lot of photos, charts, and texts. It also guarantees you it will be accessible even if you are using a different operating system. 

There are times that you might encounter issues and errors when working with this kind of file, such as corrupted or damaged documents. You should avoid blaming yourself when this happens because sometimes, the reason is out of your control. This article will help shed light on the reasons why your files end up inaccessible, as well as, how you can fix them.

What is PDFBear? 

PDFBear is an online-based platform that aims to address all your PDF-related problems. Its popularity among students doubled since the implementation of the online learning setup. They saw the endless possibilities with this website. It has over 20 tools including the repair PDF feature, designed to be accessed by anyone. No matter what type of device, operating system, or browser you are using, it will run smoothly as long as you have a stable internet connection. Besides that, the website is available for use regardless if you are at home, at work, or at school. All people from around the world can access it because of its cloud technology. Since it uses this type of technology, it will not consume any of your device’s storage space. 

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How to repair PDFs using the website?

When you own corrupted files, you will need a repair PDF tool to help you fix the problem. Without it, you will no longer access its content, unless you seek professional help which is very costly. If this is your first time using the website, you might have the perception that the process will be tricky and tedious. Contrary to this belief, it will be as convenient and as quick as possible. It can even produce the desired result in just a matter of seconds depending on the file size and stability of your internet. PDFBear makes sure that the process will not take up too much of your time considering that you have lots of other things to accomplish. 

To access the website, you first have to connect your gadget to the internet and search PDFBear on its browser. Find and click the repair PDF tool. It will then appear on your screen together with the instructions and other functions you may use. Upload the damaged file by clicking the select files button at the center. Once the document reaches the server, the tool will immediately start recovering it. Don’t forget to save it on your local storage, google drive, or dropbox to avoid repeating the process.

Reasons why a PDF file becomes corrupted or damaged

1. Virus or malware may have attacked your document

The most common reason behind corrupted or damaged files is viruses and malware. You usually acquire them from email-based attacks. Another reason why viruses and malware can successfully enter your computer system is that you accidentally clicked the corrupted link contained in a phishing scam. You have to equip your device with ant-virus software to prevent them from making your file inaccessible. If you already have, make sure to update and scan it regularly to detect to know if your device is virus-free.

2. Hard drive malfunctions

Hard drives are vital parts of any computer yet they are also the most fragile. The causes of its malfunction are human misuse or mishandling and mechanical issues. In some cases, computer overheats, overuse, and build-up of dust also have adverse effects on its performance. A corrupted hard drive also means corrupted documents but you may try to retrieve it using the data recovery software. The precautionary measure to prevent your hard drive from malfunctioning is by properly using the device and keeping it away from excessive dust. 

3. Power interruptions

Power interruptions shut down your laptops and computers without any warning. Due to the improper shutdown procedure, you might experience a loss of unsaved data. Besides that, it will also corrupt existing files. The worst-case scenario is that the entire program may no longer be functional. The only way that you can save your files, hard drives, and device from becoming corrupted is by making regular automatic system backups. The use of a generator or backup battery can also be of great help.

In a Nutshell 

There is always the threat that your files will become corrupted or damaged. So it is important to do the precautionary measures mentioned earlier to protect them from becoming inaccessible. But if it is no longer avoidable, you must seek the help of PDFBear’s repair PDF tool!

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