
How To Repair A Car Tyre Puncture

When you are driving on the road, all of you should have to be ready for punctures. It doesn’t matter how much care is practiced, but a puncture could happen anywhere anytime. Moreover, there is no need to be worried. You could also change the tyre with an extra tyre. But if you do not have extra tyres then you can have a car tyre puncture repair kit, using it makes you able to get you to the nearest workshop.  It can also be said that not all the tyres need Car Tyre Puncture Repair. A flat tyre on your car has been one of the most uncomfortable things while driving, although it is the instant and comparatively simple to be fixed. If a puncture is smaller than 7mm, then it could be repaired with a plug, whereas wide punctures must be repaired by the shop owner or it might be replaced with a new one.

Tires that are beyond repair

If the trudge depth has fallen below 1.6mm, making the tyre unsafe for driving, it might cause a serious accident. But if the rubber of tyre has been damaged or torn out, the workshop would refuse to carry out the repair. The main element of the tyre is its rubber, if it has been damaged, then there is no chance to have Car Tyre Puncture Repair. The size of the puncture is similar to 6mm in diameter. Such a cut has cracked the indispensable parts, leaving out possibilities of an effective fix. The sidewall is harmed rather than the track. Penetrates in the sidewall can’t be fixed. A cut in the sidewall compromises the underlying uprightness of the entire tire. Assuming the strings are noticeable because of the cut, pick another tire. A tire that has been fixed on various occasions would not have the option to stand more harm. Indeed, even a minor cut can make it hopeless.

How to repair tyre using a car tyre puncture repair kit?

If your tyre do not meet all the above mentioned criteria, then tyre get repaired through simple procedure discussed below:


It is the simplest and fastest way to Car Tyre Puncture Repair. It does not even need the removal of tyre. During plugging, a piece of leather has been covered with leather along with the rubber glue. During driving, heat is produced which turns the leather into a hard material which sticks with the tyre. There is no way of getting the leather out as it becomes inveterate with the remaining tyre and it behaves as a permanent seal.


When the puncture is larger and deeper, the plugging method cannot be used. In this scenario a patching method has been used. Patching needs the removal of tyre. Rather than this, a rubber patch is put on the inner side of tyre. A patch square in shape along with rubber glue, same as which is utilized in plugging. Moreover, the difference is that it is greater and applied in the inner part of tyre. When the driver starts driving, tyre gets hot. it becomes inveterate with the remaining tyre and it behaves as a permanent seal.


Some punctures are difficult in nature, and for this reason they need the application of hybrid seals.n straightforward words, a mixture is a blend of stopping and fixing. This strategy is very tedious yet additionally the best. In it, an elastic fix is put within the tire and afterward strung through the cut to forestall any holes.

Wind Up

Rather than picking ceaseless fixes, pay attention to the counsel of the studio. They are adequately capable of making the best choice for your benefit. Consequently, we ask our pursuers and clients to trust their choices. As a rule, you may feel that the tire can be fixed and you may really drive the studio to do as such. However, there is a high likelihood that you are off-base. Accordingly, supplant your tires with new ones immediately. As said before, not all penetrated tires are repairable

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