How to

The Complete Motorcycle Crash Record Checklist to Show Your Lawyer

In 2019 alone, almost 80,000 people sustained injuries from motorcycle accidents.

Since then, not much has changed because motorcycles are more susceptible to accidents than other motor vehicles. The thing is, though, sometimes the motorcyclist is not at fault, and there’s a need to pursue compensation.

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident and plan to seek legal action, it’s essential to have the facts straightened out. To make sure that your motorcycle accident case is handled correctly, you’ll need to provide your lawyer with all the relevant information.

This includes a complete motorcycle crash record checklist. In this blog post, we’ll outline everything that you need to include in your crash report.

The Police Report

The first thing you need is the police report. This will have all the basic information about the accident, including time, location, and a brief description of what happened. Be sure to get a copy of this as soon as possible and talk to your lawyer about it.

If the police didn’t show up at the scene, you’ll need to file a report with them. You can do this online or in-person at your local station. Be sure to have the following information ready:

  • Your name and contact info
  • The date and time of the accident
  • The location of the accident
  • A description of what happened
  • The names and contact info of any witnesses

The police report is an integral part of your motorcycle crash record checklist. It’ll help determine who was at fault for the accident.

Your Medical Records

Next, you’ll need to provide your motorcycle accident lawyer with copies of your medical records. This will document the extent of your injuries and will serve as evidence in court. If you’ve been hospitalized or have had to see a doctor for treatment, be sure to get copies of all the bills and invoices.

You should also receive a copy of your medical records from the hospital or doctor’s office. Make sure to show medical records related to the accident, including ambulance rides, hospital visits, and doctor’s appointments. These will help prove that you were injured as a result of the accident.

Witness Information

Witness information is crucial and should be a part of your motorcycle crash record checklist. They may have seen what happened and can give a statement to the police or your lawyer. Be sure to get their name, phone number, and email address so you can easily get in touch with them.

It’s also a good idea to get a written statement from the witnesses. You can do this by having them write down what they saw or by recording them telling their story. Be sure to get their permission before doing this, as it may be evidence in court.

Photos and Videos

Photos and videos of the accident scene are very valuable pieces of evidence. If you have any, be sure to give them to your lawyer as soon as possible. They can help prove who was at fault for the accident.

You may also want to take your own photos and videos of the scene. Be sure to do this as soon as possible, so the evidence is fresh. Include any motorcycle accident injury you sustained, damages, the weather, skid marks, and other parties involved.

Lost Wages Documents

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, there’s a good chance that you’ve missed some time from work. Be sure to keep track of all the days you’ve missed as well as any lost wages. This will serve as evidence to show how the accident has impacted your life.

Keep track of your lost wages by getting a letter from your employer. This should include the dates you missed, how much money you would have earned, and whether or not you used any vacation days or sick days. Be sure to keep this information in a safe place so you can easily access it later.

The Ultimate Motorcycle Crash Record Checklist

This is just a basic overview of the motorcycle crash record checklist. For more information, be sure to speak with a lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents.

They’ll have the most up-to-date information and can help you through the legal process. Check our blog for even more informative posts.

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