
The reason to study Javascript frameworks

“Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript.”

— Jeff Atwood, 2007

As an engineer, our goal is to master multiple languages, particularly new ones with excellent features. Many languages are being used to develop different software, and typically, one language is used to build various applications or a single one. Thus, you are taught a specific language in the frontend while you learn the language of your choice in the backend.

This is the same for devices. On mobile devices, they teach you different languages; it is necessary to be taught another for games. Even for websites, you have a distinct language.

Most of the time, it’s frustrating that developers must learn new languages to work on projects. They want to stick to one language that can perform every job.

So, what’s the solution? Is it possible to master one language and handle different requirements at the same time? Are there languages that are universally applicable all over the world?

Yes, they are. There is a language that is known as JavaScript!

If you’re familiar with programming languages, you know that JavaScript is all over the place. From small-scale businesses to huge companies, many use JS language to develop applications.

They primarily employed the earlier JS language to make your website interactive, and it could not provide many features. However, it is now providing a tough challenge due to it being a part of the server-side.

Nowadays, JS is visible almost everywhere. Additionally, a variety of JS frameworks and JS Libraries are also accessible that allow you to do almost everything you need to do with your project.

Stack Overflow has reported that a 95percent of sites use JS as a client-server programming language.

However, why is this language so talked about and popular? What benefits do these languages provide that other don’t?

Let’s discuss this in-depth.

It is the most widely used programming code.

Our list starts with the most significant reason! According to, JavaScript is the most frequently used programming language by professionals at present. Even backend developers employ JavaScript more regularly than other programming languages.

It’s inside the browser.

JavaScript is most likely the language that is utilized as the default language on the Internet. Therefore, it’s unnecessary to go at anything other than your web browser to confirm that JavaScript is the most likely technology that created it. Because browsers are an essential part of the web experience, it’s easy to grasp why JavaScript is so crucial.

JavaScript frameworks are also available in other places outside the Internet.

We can use JavaScript for many different purposes which go beyond standard internet applications. For example, JavaScript powers Smart TVs are compatible with technology like the Internet of things (IoT) and create native apps running both iOS and Android and cross-platform desktop apps, to name a few.

JavaScript is Ideal for Newbies

Because it’s a part of every browser available at present, JavaScript spares the rookies from the responsibility of creating a platform to develop. Anyone new to the field can jump right into code and begin. It’s one of the most accessible programming classes that can be an excellent resource for beginners. There’s also a massive online community that provides help and advice.

Furthermore, JavaScript is an excellent tool for those just beginning their programming to improve their understanding of various languages. JavaScript offers valuable capabilities such as object-oriented, functional, and imperative kinds of programming. Developers who are beginning their journey, for example, can apply these skills for any other programming languages they’d like to master, including Python, Java, or C ++.

JavaScript is Easy to Learn

It’s not just an easy language to master. It’s also a language that’s simple to master. JavaScript is also easy to learn. JavaScript transforms complex information into abstract concepts, making the process simple for those new to the field. Contrary to other languages, JavaScript has more of a natural-language feel.

You Can Create Visual Effects and Other Eye-catching Aesthetic Features

It’s as simple as creating a web page. After that, it’s about creating an appealing and appealing web page that catches the visitor’s eye and encourages engagement. JavaScript is so adaptable that it lets you quickly include attractive design elements like animation, interactive maps, and even videos that scroll. Businesses and consumers require Web designers to design not just an efficient and technically sound website but also make it appealing to viewers. If you’re familiar with using JavaScript is your favorite language, and you can deliver it.

JavaScript is Versatile

It’s far from being a single-trick pony JavaScript allows programmers to handle the entire design process for applications. Are you seeking to develop user-facing (front-end) programming? It’s possible to accomplish this using Angular. Do you prefer server-side (backend)? Include Node.js into the list, and then you’ll have to do the same!

It’s also possible to develop mobile or desktop applications using Electron, React Native, and React. If you’re interested in machines, learning JavaScript will help you with this field too.

Wrapping Up

If you’re planning to be a web developer, you’ll have to learn JavaScript frameworks. Therefore, it is important to start with basic JavaScript first.

The most effective method of learning Javascript frameworks is to get it out. After you have read details about this language and the functions it performs, it is recommended to practice using basic projects. This way, you’ll be able to learn the language quickly and eventually become a full-stack or backend, or frontend developer. After that, it’s entirely up to you.

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