
Why Does My Child Lack Confidence? Ways to Overcome Lack of a Confidence

Children health

Self-esteem or confidence gives a feeling of satisfaction. However, if your kids have low confidence, it can cause different challenges in their lives. Confident children can show improved academic performance, maintain healthier relationships, and feel less anxious. You always want your children to feel good and confident. So, it is important to determine the cause of low confidence in your kids.

Find the potential causes of low self-confidence and self-esteem in your children-

From family issues to parenting mistakes, different factors can reduce your kids’ self-confidence. 

Ongoing health issues-

Kids suffering from chronic illness have a risk of low self-esteem. Moreover, some children suffer from anxiety disorders and depression that may affect their mental health. Due to these issues, kids cannot develop positive thoughts about themselves. So, you should consult a specialist who treats your children’s mental health.

Comparing abilities to others-

Kids of around 10 or 11 years start comparing themselves to children of similar ages. If they find something better in their companions, they start feeling negatively about themselves. Thus, feelings of inadequacy lead to the loss of confidence.

Lack of attention from parents-

When kids face challenges, they want to depend on their parents. However, some parents with a busy lifestyle do not find interest in their children’s problems. So, their little ones feel unimportant or alone. Kids are not always efficient at managing every problem in their lives. Inabilities can result in lower self-esteem. That is why parents should help their children to prevent them from having a sense of insecurity. 


If your children are victims of bullying, it can affect their emotional well-being. When someone bullies, kids become self-critical. If you do not address this issue, it can lead to serious depression and mental health issues. You can communicate with your children openly to learn whether they are bullied.  

Feelings of incompetence-

Kids often struggle to achieve academic success. However, when they cannot reach their goals, they lose confidence. It happens especially to children who are not very active. They receive negative comments from their classmates and cannot maintain self-esteem.

Tips for overcoming the confidence issues-

  • Give genuine praise to your children. Your praise should focus mainly on effort instead of the result.
  • Encourage your kids to join martial art classes. When they find their Wing Chun martial arts excellence, they will regain their self-assurance. 
  • Set realistic goals and allow your children to achieve them.
  • Acceptance and love are important for developing self-worth and confidence. Thus, parents must spend considerable time with kids to show how much they value them.
  • As a parent, you are the role model of your children. Thus, you should rebuild your own confidence before dealing with your teen’s.
  • Involve your kids in different activities and ask them to give solutions and opinions about any topic.

Parents should take care of their child’s mental health and prevent them from feeling upset. With proper parenting, you can help your kids regain their self-confidence. 

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