Digital Marketing

5 Reasons Your eCommerce Site is Struggling to Make Sales

Having an eCommerce site is great, but if your sales aren’t increasing then you might need to rethink your approach. Many factors can affect conversion rates on eCommerce websites, ranging from website design and usability issues to the buying process itself. Here are five reasons your eCommerce site is struggling…

1. Poor Product Pages

Taking the time to build high-quality product pages is an important step in creating your eCommerce site. If you don’t, customers will spend less time on your website and may not be able to find what they are looking for.

Here are some things that you should consider when building out your product pages.

– Allocate enough product page real estate for your products. Customers should be able to view all the product details without having to click on another page, otherwise, they may lose interest and leave your site quickly.

– Ensure your images load quickly; if not you could risk losing customers before they make it to the checkout.

– Review the copy on your product pages; make sure the copy highlights the key features and benefits of your product.

– Test out different top-level navigation options to find one that helps your customers find what they are looking for with ease.

– Ensure that you have included all of the relevant information such as price, description, delivery costs, and returns policy on each page.

2. Your Checkout Process is Too Long

The longer it takes someone to get through your checkout process, the more likely they are to abandon the transaction. Remember, you only have a few seconds to convince people to buy from you before they hit the back button and move on to another website that looks like it will be easier/quicker/cheaper to buy from. Look for ways to streamline your checkout process.

3. Poor Navigation

Customers need to easily navigate around your website, otherwise, they will get frustrated and look elsewhere for what they are looking for. Make sure the navigation is intuitive; make it easy for customers to find what they are looking for by using breadcrumbs, categories and subcategories, search filters, and page layouts where possible.

4. Poor User Experience

Offering a poor user experience is the quickest way to drive potential customers away from your website. For example, if you have slow or unresponsive web pages, too many or irrelevant pop-ups or your site isn’t mobile-friendly, then these are all important factors that could be affecting your conversion rates.

5. Too Much Content on Page

Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity! A page full of the content may seem like the right thing to do but this can often overwhelm shoppers and lead to them abandoning their shopping carts before they even make it through your checkout process. Make sure you include only the relevant information on each product page; try to make things as simple as possible for your customers and avoid cramming your website full of content.

Whilst many potential factors could be affecting your conversion rates on eCommerce sites, following these five steps should help improve conversions and increase sales.

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