
A Pro’s Guide to Breastfeeding Positions

There’s no questioning the benefits of breastfeeding your baby; it helps develop a natural bond between the mother and the little one and protects them from various illnesses and diseases in their infancy. Though a natural process, breastfeeding can still prove to be a daunting process for most new moms.

At Kidz Country, we’re all about helping women ease into motherhood, so obviously, we had to explain the various breastfeeding positions for all the moms-to-be. And much like almost everything else, a bit of trial-and-error is key to mastering breastfeeding.

Before we begin, you should know that certain items will help you in your journey to finding the most suitable breastfeeding position, such as nursing pillows or smart breast pumps, if you’re still not used to the pumping process.

Without further ado, let’s begin.

Best Breastfeeding Positions

Though it should be noted that the various types of breastfeeding positions will prove to be more effective in certain situations, however learning to utilize them for your advantage can’t hurt now, can it? These are the most comfortable and practical positions for new moms:

  1. Cradle Hold
  2. Cross-Cradle Hold
  3. Laid-Back/Reclining Position
  4. Side-Lying Position
  5. Rugby Ball Hold

Finding the proper position is not only vital for your baby; it also prevents the swelling of your areola and diminishes pain and irritation from the entire process.

1.   Cradle Hold

Whenever we picture breastfeeding, we usually imagine the cradle hold. Why? Mainly because it is one of the most common and widely used positions by mothers all over the world. So there’s a good chance that it will work for you as well.

It requires you to sit upright and place the baby’s body to face your chest in a way that their neck and head rest on your forearm, and their body should be in a tummy-to-mummy position. It’s important to remember not to turn or tilt your child’s head as well as keep your breast at its usual height, otherwise risk soreness and excessive strain. Though the Cradle Hold lacks support, which might prove to be a nuisance at times, but this is nothing that can’t be sorted out with a good old-fashioned nursing pillow.

2.   Cross-Cradle Hold

The Cross-Cradle Hold is a tad bit similar to the Cradle Hold; the only difference is that your baby is resting on the opposite forearm. The main reason for this switch is to support your baby’s shoulders and head as much as possible while allowing your other hand to be free so you can shape your breast. The Cross-Cradle Holdgrants you more control over your baby’s positioning.

This position shouldn’t be adopted with infants right after their birth because you could push their chin into their chest and risk a shallow latch along with nipple soreness. The ideal time to practice this hold is after your baby has grown a bit.

3.   Laid-Back or Reclining Position

The laid-back position is one of the comfiest breastfeeding positions of them all. If your baby isn’t a fan of having their head touched during their feeding session or if your breasts are too large for any other position, then this might be the one for you.

The Reclining Position or Biological Nurturing is often the first one mums try, as they lay their baby on their chests thus allowing them to latch on with ease. You may want to use a nursing pillow for support when you’re reclining instead of lying flat on your back.

4.   Side-Lying Position

If your baby’s having midnight cravings or if you’ve had a cesarean or stitches, then the Side-Lying position might be the best one for you. During this position, you should lie down next to your baby on your side, so you’re belly-to-belly with each other. This position helps your baby latch onto the nipple easily and can save you from aching breasts.

5.   Rugby Ball Hold

In this position, you place your baby along the length of your forearm while they are tucked into your side. This way, you can have a clear view of their face as well as provide additional support with your opposite hand. This position also allows your baby to feel safe as they’re tucked in close to you.

Mothers who’ve had C-sections or premature deliveries will also find the Rugby Ball Hold more effective and manageable than others.

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