
The Right Fix – Why People Are Repairing Their Devices Instead of Replacing Them

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Phones, tablets, PCs –  our electronic devices are an indispensable part of our lives. 

Still, many of us have treated them as dispensable so far. As soon as they became faulty, we replaced them. 

In 2022, this is changing. In fact, there is a massive trend towards repairing electronic devices. Here’s why. 

1 – Repairs Are More Sustainable 

Carbon emissions. Limited natural resources. Pollution. These are just some of the environmental worries that weigh heavily on people’s minds in 2022. 

Most of us have already seen the effects of the climate crisis first-hand – from devastating storms to out-of-control wildfires. 

Consequently, there’s been a massive trend towards sustainability. And repairing, rather than replacing electronic devices has been a major part of that. 

Building a new device takes significant amounts of raw materials and energy. Repairing one instead reduces the environmental impact to a fraction

2 – New Devices Are Expensive 

Since 2020, the global economy has seen a series of shocks – from the pandemic to the war in Ukraine and the resulting astronomical gas prices. 

As a result, many people are more reluctant to spend extensively on IT devices. When you’re on a tight budget, repairing a device is a sensible alternative to getting a new one. 

For example, you can have your MacBook’s battery replaced for a mere $199 – rather than spending eight times as much on a new machine. 

3 – PC Cycles Are Slower 

Another factor in the equation is that it’s no longer strictly necessary to periodically replace devices thanks to slower PC cycles. 

In the past, the average time a certain piece of hardware survived on the market after launch was a mere three years. After that, it was phased out, updates became unavailable, and software compatibility expired. As a result, consumers had no choice but to get a new one. 

This is no longer the case. According to the CEO of Intel, Brian Krzanich, the PC cycle has expanded to almost six years. 

4 – Repairs are Easier Than They Used to Be 

Finally, another significant cause for the rise of the IT repair industry is that it’s now logistically and technically possible to repair phones, tablets, and computers. 

Until recently, tech companies made it as difficult as possible to repair devices. They added special screws, glued parts together, and refused to provide spare components. The aim? To drive their own sales figures. 

Thanks to international laws and right-to-repair movements, this is changing. 

Now, many tech companies provide the necessary instructions and parts to carry out repairs. 

Wrapping Up 

In 2022, the IT repair trend is unstoppable. 

While some tech companies are reluctant to jump on the repair bandwagon, major players in the industry already highlight rising customer numbers. 

IT repairs specialist Tekeurope recently stated:  “We have seen an increased demand for repairs amongst our customers due to the lack of availability of new products post COVID-19, the cost savings offered and the desire to lessen their environmental impact.”

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