
Things To Do During An Internet Detox

Image Source: DNA India

Internet detox is something we should all try once a week!

A Sunday afternoon where you get back to a simpler life. Play some light music, get your linen apron and bake your favorite sweet delight. If you do it for a few weeks, you will fall in love with it.

However, baking is not the only thing that you can do during this digital detox. There are a plethora of activities that you can try. Believe us, not all sources of entertainment end with scrolling through social media all day or binging episodes after episodes.

Don’t know how? Then you have reached the right place. In this excerpt below, the different activities which can help you make the most of your digital detox.

What Is An Internet Detox?

An internet detox is a day or a few hours when you do not use your internet. You can go as far as turning your router off and just enjoy the solitude of a life without the internet (at least for the time being).

Why Is It Important? 

Here is why you should have a digital detox and why it is important.

– It helps us to dissociate from the outside world and just concentrate on ourselves.

– The internet can give us a lot of stress, and it is like a chain reaction. We are simply going through some emails, and suddenly you are panicked about some pending work, and you find yourself bringing your office in on a Sunday afternoon.

– Endless scrolling through social media is not good for your mental health, as it can induce comparison. Even if you are leading a perfectly jovial life right now, it can make you question your life choices and make you feel unfulfilled.

– The constant use of the internet is also not good for the environment. So, this is your chance to decrease radiation around and be a responsible citizen.

Activities For An Internet Detox

Here are some of the handpicked activities which you can try for your next big internet detox day.

1. Watch A Movie

Just because you are not using the internet, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on screen time. Internet detox is where you do not want to binge a series for an endless time. However, a movie is never a bad idea.

Remember the times when we used to buy DVDs and make a movie out of them? What is the harm in bringing it back? Yes, you will have to download the movies beforehand. Download them for free from RarBG.

2. Call Some Friends Over

If you have some catching up to do, then why not call your friends over and make a day out of it. Tell them about this internet detox beforehand so that they do not indulge in such activities either for too long or distract you.

You can cook together or simply share some wine over deep conversations.

3. Cook Or Bake Something

There is nothing more relaxing than chopping the vegetables, stirring the batter, or making whipped cream out of scratch. Get your linen apron on, and get baking. Put on some music and dance around the kitchen counter.

You can download the music from the given link above as well.

4. Read A Book

If you are a bookworm, do you remember the last time you lost yourself in a book? Get yourself all cozied up, light an aromatic candle, dim the lights and put on the lamp and let your imaginations run wild with every word.

You are going to love it!

5. Get On With Nature

This is time to get some nature in your body. Go outside, and stroll in a park. Simply sit on the bench without scrolling through your phone, live slowly, and be a little mindful. Take in the changes with the season, and breathe in the fresh air.

Enjoy The Time!

The first thing you need to stop doing is to take it as a task. Internet detox is not routine work; rather, it is a time you can enjoy without having to worry about what is going on in the digital world.

Make the most of it, and try to do it every week. You will be in a much better mood!

Also Read: Imginn: Watch Instagram Stories, Photos, Video, Anonymously

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