When you start a small business, many preparations must be made to ensure the business’s overall success. Some of these preparations include creating a website, setting up a domain, obtaining internet access that is appropriate for your business needs, implementing emails for the business, and creating a marketing strategy. You can get all of this and more by implementing the use of Yahoo Small Business! You can also buy Yahoo accounts to support your marketing strategies and establish your brand among customers. This article will provide you with all the information on how to create a Yahoo small business account. But, first, let’s understand what is Yahoo small business and why it is beneficial to your business?
What is Yahoo Small business?
Yahoo small business, formerly known as Aabaco small business, is a service offered by Yahoo. Yahoo! Small Business offers website hosting, domain name registration, and website design templates, as well as e-commerce services for online stores and business email. It aims to provide a comprehensive web hosting and domain registration solution by offering domains, unlimited disc space, web hosting plans, email storage, data transfer, and more.
How is Yahoo Small Business Beneficial to your Business?
- Multiple features
You can take advantage of many wonderful features when you use Yahoo. Firstly, you will have a lot of freedom in designing your website, and you can also use one from the many professionally designed templates or a template from a third party.
Furthermore, the Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting service provides a large amount of web hosting space for your products. You can use an amazing 200GB bandwidth to transfer data to your customers each month. You can also get benefit of 5GB of web space to efficiently design your website.
- Flexibility in choosing the domain name
As soon as you sign up to the Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting, you will receive a domain name to brand your website. Also, it’s not a problem if you have a domain name already. Yahoo will let you use your own name.
Moreover, along with the impressive features you get with your Yahoo web hosting subscription, you can rest assured knowing that there are trained professionals ready to help you 24×7 if you have any issues or queries with your service or website.
- Month to Month Subscription
Usually small or medium businesses like the Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting service because the subscription is monthly, and there are no contracts that bound you to a specific term of service. Moreover, the prices are also quite reasonable. The benefits of this service are available for as little as $3.75 for small personal sites, $ 5.99 for a premier plan, and then $8.99 per month for heavy traffic sites.
- Integrated Marketing features
While using Yahoo Small Business, you can take advantage of a number of marketing features. Marketing is a critical component in your company’s overall success. Advertising in Yahoo Local is one of the best methods used by many business owners. You can use this effective marketing strategy to describe your company, display your company’s logo, advertise your products, and more.
Now that you know all the benefits of using Yahoo Small Business, let’s see how to create a Yahoo Small Business account.
How do I create a Yahoo Small Business account?
- Go to the Yahoo Small Business homepage.
- Now go to the top right corner of the screen, select the “Sign In” option.
- Choose “Create Account.”
- When the sign-up page appears, enter your first and last name, as well as any other information requested, and then click “Sign Up.”
- You will receive an email on the address provided. Next, open the same email and click “Activate My Account.”
- Sign in with the email address and the password you created when you signed up.
- Enter your company information and other personal information, then click “Continue.”
The Bottom Line
As you have seen, using Yahoo’s small business account can provide various benefits to your small business. The plans are very affordable as compared to other services, and the monthly subscription allows you to use the services only as long as you like them.
Moreover, all these benefits will get doubled if you buy Yahoo accounts for your business. This way, you will have multiple accounts to market your products or services. You can also buy Hotmail accounts or buy Gmail accounts to reach a huge consumer base.