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Hanging Posters and Wall Art: Tips and Best Practices

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With an online search for the best poster-hanging methods, Google will provide a nearly endless list of how-to articles. How to mount them, how to hang them, how to choose the right tape; the list goes on. While it’s important to know what makes magic tape different from double-sided tape, and essential to know how to patch thumbtack holes when moving out, it’s just as essential to know how to hang posters properly. Here, readers will receive a few tips and tricks for poster hanging.

Choose the Best Materials

Beyond a pencil and a measuring tape, poster hangers need a few other tools. Depending on whether the look will be classic or formal, there are plenty of renter-friendly poster hanging options available. Sticky-backed hook and loop dots, plastic eye holes, and poster putty are all great choices.

Middle-weight posters, such as those with frames, can often be supported with commercial hanging strips or command adhesive. These materials are available at most department and home improvement stores and can be found in a range of styles, sizes, and weight capacities. Heavy pieces, such as fully framed prints, should be supported with screws or nails. To minimize damage to walls and posters, put fasteners into studs or use sheet rock anchors.

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Clean the Canvas

Before hanging a poster, inspect the area for dirt, scuffs, and residues that may affect the adhesive’s properties. Wallpapered and painted surfaces are easy to clean with damp, soapy cloths, but sticky residues will likely need a bit of extra effort and some rubbing alcohol. By ensuring that walls are clean and ready for posters, buyers will make the job much easier.

Pick the Right Spot

Choosing the best spot for a poster is as much of an art as it is a science. To improve the visual impact and the viewer’s comfort, galleries often arrange pieces with centers at eye level. For the average person, that’s about 55 to 65 inches from floor level. While this technique works for most posters, it’s okay to experiment. Depending on the shape or size of each piece, posters may be hung in groups. When doing this, place the biggest posters first to prevent overcrowding.

Choose Posters Wisely

Sometimes, buyers want Pinterest-worthy looks but have too many options to choose from. Try framing posters and swapping them out when the mood strikes. Alternatively, posters can be hung on gallery wires with binder clips. These poster-hanging methods give a classy look without the long-term commitment.

Frame Posters Well

Nothing changes the look of a poster like a great frame. Encase an old poster in a floating frame for an instant upgrade or display new pieces in vibrant frames for a modern look. Monochromatic pieces do well in understated frames. Poster frames create a sense of purpose and permanency, changing the most casual poster collection into something truly special.

Follow These Tips for Poster Hanging Success

From athletes to musicians and movie characters, today’s posters are a wide-ranging lot. Buy Posters Online and give them a new life by following these tips for an upgraded, elevated look.

Written By

Bryan Cunningham is a writer who explores many different types of stories. He is skilled at creating interesting tales in various categories, making his work enjoyable for a wide range of readers.

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