Despite what some people may think about polished concrete, it’s actually a maintenance-free flooring option that’s easy to clean and can last for years. The polish on the concrete acts as a barrier and resists stains and oils. However, if your floors do get dirty, you can easily clean them with a mop and bucket of soapy water. It’s important to use a pH-neutral floor cleaner. You wouldn’t want to ruin the shine on your freshly polished concrete.
Prepare the Area for Polishing
Polishing Concrete Floors Polishing concrete floors is a rewarding venture, though undoubtedly requires some very hard work and elbow grease. Polishing concrete floors is an arduous task that touches many different parts of the home. First of all, you have to prep the area to be polished. First, sweep out any debris that was left on the floor. Sweeping the floor will not only remove any loose dirt from shoes, but also any pieces of veining or chips. If you would like to know more about polished concrete check out Policrete
How to Polish the Concrete Floors Using a Coarse Grit Abrasive Disc
Do you remember spring cleaning? It was a time when we cleaned the house from top to bottom, from top to bottom, top to bottom. Well, it’s time to update that tradition. If you remember nothing else from this post, please remember to keep cleaning your concrete. This is especially true if you live in a house with concrete floors, which can be tough to clean, but relatively simple to maintain.
Using a fine grit disc to polish concrete floors
Concrete floors can be polished. In fact, its one of the best ways to give them a shine. Concrete floors, especially interior ones, can be painted and coated. However, polishing it can be done easily by anyone who is handy and with little effort. The first step in the process is to remove the old finish by scrubbing it with a wire brush. Use a degreaser to remove any loose grease. Then measure the area and calculate the floor repair cost. A concrete polishing machine fitted with a 1.5-inch disc can be used. It can be purchased for under $1000.
When to Use an Extra-Fine Grit Abrasive Disc
Your floors get a lot of use, whether you’re scrubbing them clean or moving heavy furniture around. New hardwood floors are eye-catching, durable, and look great, but over time the harshness of the ground can dull the wood’s shine. An extra fine-grit abrasive disc polishes the floor using grit to sand and polish the floor by hand. The disc is attached to a handle, and a spinning disc polishes the floor as you sweep or vacuum. This disc uses both buffing and sanding disks, and depending on how much grit you use on the disc, it can range from mildly abrasive to quite abrasive.
Apply a Coat of Concrete Floor Polish
Concrete flooring is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners because, in addition to its durability, it’s easily cleaned and maintained. Concrete comes in many colors and can be polished so it looks similar to tile. But polished concrete still has a few drawbacks: it’s not as warm or soft under your feet as carpet, and it’s cold in winter. Concrete floor polish can solve both problems.
Polished concrete is durable and easy to clean. If you decide to polish your concrete floors, you will save money by not having to refinish every 2 – 3 years. Polished concrete is also an excellent flooring option for commercial spaces.