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Important Tips for Protecting Your House from New Orleans Weather

New Orleans Weather
Image Source: accuweather

The weather in New Orleans is notoriously rough.  Although this city is known for easy living and fantastic food, the weather has taken the main stage too many times to count.  It’s important to feel safe where you live: so if you’re ready to protect your property, it’s a good idea to weatherproof it.

These are the top ways to guard your home against the New Orleans weather!

Storm Proofing Your Windows

One of the most important things to update when weatherproofing your home is your windows.  New Orleans is an old city, so it’s no surprise if your windows are updated: but you shouldn’t let them stay this way.  Not only are poor windows bad for storms, but they’ll also run your air conditioning bills up in the summer and make sure all of the humidity makes its way into your property.

If you’re currently looking at New Orleans houses for sale: make sure you pick a property with newer or updated windows that can handle any storm thrown at them. 

Getting a Roof That Lasts

The average roof can last over thirty years with regular use: but in New Orleans isn’t regular use.  Check your roof often for wear and tear, and make sure it’s able to handle any future hurricane seasons.  A simple way to check is to look at your shingles.  If any are curled, cracked, discolored, or leaking: it’s time for an update.  You can repair your roof for a cheaper fix, but this isn’t permanent and can lead to further problems if you don’t get a more stable fix completed.

Sealing Your Home From Water and Air Leaks

Water is one of the most damaging things on the planet: and New Orleans has more than its fair share of it.  Before the rain starts, seal your home from as much moisture as possible.  This step involves sealing your home from bottom to top, checking any soffit and entrance that could possibly allow moisture or air to travel through.  Ensure the seal on your windows and doors is high quality and will keep your home safe.

Checking and Maintaining Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system matters for your own comfort.  New Orleans has seen temperatures over 100 degrees for multiple summers in a row: so don’t allow this to happen to you.  Instead, take the time to have your system inspected by a professional.  If they spot any issues, they’ll be able to correct them before they become major disasters.  You should also remember to change your air filter at least once every other month to keep allergens and dust out of the air.  

Paying Attention to Your Foundation

Since New Orleans is a swamp: you’ll notice a lot of homes have to struggle with cracked or uneven foundations.  Look for signs that your foundation might have an issue by watching for cracks, doors, and windows suddenly poorly fitting, and cabinet doors that refuse to stay closed.

New Orleans Weather Is Unlike Anything Else

If you love a city that can offer tons of flavors and sights, New Orleans has all of that: but its weather comes with that too.  If you want to protect your home, make sure to take these steps!

Written By

Salman Ahmad, the CEO and Founder of, is a prolific writer in the realms of tech, fintech, how-tos, and all things mobile, apps, and gadgets. With a passion for simplifying complex concepts, his informative articles serve as an invaluable resource for users seeking to enhance their digital proficiency and stay updated in the ever-evolving tech world. With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he persistently propels GeeksAroundWorld to unprecedented milestones, empowering users and fostering a meaningful influence on their experiences.

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