Buying a vacation house can be the best thing that can happen to you. Not to mention it can save you a lot of money if you frequently go to a beautiful valley for vacations.
That being said, it is also true that you would not be able to live in that house all the time of the year. You will only be able to visit it during vacations. That makes it susceptible to theft and other security threats for the period of time you will not be there. Keeping this concern of yours in mind, we have compiled a list of 4 tips that will upgrade the security of your vacation house if applied. Let’s have a read.
Install a Fire System
If you are thinking of installing a fire alarm system in the house, think no further and just do it. But be aware that along with the installation, you will also have to pay for the fire system maintenance on a regular basis.
The fire system will only work properly if it is maintained properly. Otherwise, it may fail to detect fire and will be no better than junk. Therefore, hire a cleaner on an occasional basis and give them a schedule to clean your fire system.
Maintain the Camera System
You must have a camera or CCTV system in your house, and if you want to make it stay functional for a long period of time, pay for its maintenance service as well. A few dollars that you would spend on its maintenance will be worth the million-dollar thief it will catch in its recording. Spending this much will keep you safe from higher and bigger financial risks and losses. That’s why maintain the camera system of your house and keep a log of its recordings.
Buy Artificial Landscape to Keep Things Private
To add to the privacy of your house you can install landscape sedona az around the premises of your house. With this landscape installed, no one will be able to peek into your house. It will keep your house safe from strangers barging into it. It will cover the exterior of the house and will also provide an amazing and bewitching view to its residents. The trees and greenery will not only enhance the aesthetics of your vacation house but will also keep its privacy intact.
Hire GateKeepers
The last thing we suggest you do is to hire some guards for your house on a 24/7 basis. They will take care of the house, maintain the house, and protect it with their life. You can hire one person or two on a full-time basis on minimum wage with added benefits like shelter, food, etc. They will also keep you informed on the visitors to your house. You can also run the house on a rental basis on days when you are not there, and the gatekeepers can also play the role of managers as well if you are tight on budget.