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Crucial Information That You Should Know About a Bail Bond

Bail Bond
Bail Bond

To understand bail bonds, at first, we need to know what bail is. Bail is basically a specific amount of money that works as insurance between the person (also referred to as the defendant) in jail and the court. The defendants have the option to pay the bail amount in cash; however, many cannot afford the same at the time of the demand. This is when bail bonds come into the picture. The bail amount is a high amount, and for those who cannot arrange the money on their own, they seek help from a bail agent, who provides them the bail bond or elsewhere.

The Two Types of Bail Bond

A bail bond is mainly of two types — criminal bail bond and civil bail bond. The former is basically used in criminal cases and ensures that a defendant appears for trial when summoned by the court and assures payment for any kind of fines or penalties that are decided by the judiciary system against the defendant. The latter is used in civil cases and is usually easier to avail. This guarantees that the debt payment, along with interest incurred and costs, are addressed that are assessed against the defendant.

To post the bail bond, defendants usually are required to pay the bail bondsman 10 percent of the bail amount. The bondsman, after receiving the payment, will secure the rest of the bail amount as collateral. If the defendant is not able to provide the collateral, the bail bondsman has the flexibility to seek out friends and relatives for additional assistance. You can consider getting in touch with Castle Bail Bonds if you want to know more about the bail bonds.

Collateral is important

Please remember that each state’s bail laws are different. Bail will not be granted even if you have the whole amount in cash and no other assets to put forth. Anything with a high monetary value is generally regarded as an asset. If you own real estate, you may be able to use it to defend yourself against a criminal charge. You may also bring credit cards, debit cards, precious jewelry, automobiles, investments, and other items. Individuals often put all of this on the line in criminal cases in order to overcome the problem in the very first instance.

Reducing Bail Amount

Whenever it comes to determining the amount of bail, the court usually follows a set of rules. The accused, on the other hand, might request that the bail sum be reduced before a court or judge. You can make your case to the magistrate by stating that the bail is too costly for you to manage and you’re not a flight risk. This would not guarantee that the court would lower the bail to a cost that you may pay immediately. You should consult with your attorney so that the two of you can devise a strategy for persuasively presenting your case.

If you need help from professionals, then try to hire the best bail bond company.

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