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Cyber security

Is Cybersecurity a Good Career?


What do you think should be the answer to this question?

Of course! A big YES!

In fact, cybersecurity professionals are the most sought-after experts in the world, where almost every industry is baffling by increasing data breaches and cyber-attacks. 

Now that we are so much involved in the Internet for our routine tasks like paying electricity bills, ordering groceries, making banking transactions, booking movie tickets, etc., we have to share our name, address, UIDs, and even our bank account numbers. So, we need security at every step of our activities.

Cybersecurity is of utmost importance to every organization irrespective of its type, size, or location. This is because the losses caused by these data breaches can be so huge that it may take years to recover those losses. 

Today, our global economy depends more on Internet-based computing while connecting the world. It has become more vulnerable to cybercrime and hacking. 

Did you know that Indeed reported a massive 150% increase in cybersecurity jobs between January 2017 and March 2018? NASSCOM reported 1 million job openings for cybersecurity professionals by the end of 2020. 

The cybersecurity market was estimated at USD 156.24 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 352.25 billion by 2026. According to Gartner, last year, there was an increase of USD 1.7 billion in spending in cybersecurity which is an almost 10.7% increase year-over-year. 

These data points reveal that a career in cybersecurity can open many opportunities for you. This is why there is a surge in the number of candidates opting for cybersecurity certification in Mumbai to enter into this ever-growing domain.

Factors responsible for the overwhelming need for cybersecurity:

Digitization and Demonetization

Now that India is going through digitization and is heading towards going cashless, companies are going through digital transformation, thereby being vulnerable to cybercrimes. This has eventually increased the need for cybersecurity professionals to help companies attain digital transformation without any compromise in security. 

GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation

Companies are now looking to safeguard their database from data breaches and comply with rules standardized by GDPR. This is why cybersecurity professionals are in demand in almost all companies. 

After-effects of WannaCry Ransomware and other data breaches

Did you know that more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries were infected within just three days affecting government agencies and organizations by WannaCry ransomware?

It created a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. This led to the need for stronger cyber laws and security systems. It has caused organizations to be more alert of the threats posed by cybersecurity loopholes and take measures to safeguard their systems and networks. 

The other ransomware attacks that made news headlines this year, known for causing huge losses affecting the personal information of millions of users, are:

  • Colonial Pipeline 
  • Acer
  • Quanta
  • JBS Foods, etc.

A study made by Comparitech states that ransomware attacks impact the financial posture of companies badly. The healthcare, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, organizations, and public companies don’t have the appropriate skills and workforce to defend themselves and so they are sucker-punched by hackers.

Why is Cybersecurity a Good Career?

Now if you are confused about whether you should choose cybersecurity as your career or not, consider the points mentioned below.


The most important reason for choosing your career is the salary it offers. Almost all of us wish to choose a career that is high-paying and rewarding. Due to high demand and shortage of available talent pool, cybersecurity professionals are offered great salaries. The average annual salary of a cybersecurity professional in India is around INR 714,990, according to PayScale. 

High Demand

Currently, the demand for cybersecurity experts is skyrocketing, and there are 5000 job openings and are required to grow by 62% to meet the growing demand. From security consultant to security architect to Chief Information Security Officer, the potential for experts to grow in this space are huge. There are no signs of cybersecurity as a career going down.

Job Satisfaction 

For the professionals who are innovative and love to play with challenges, like cybersecurity as their career because it is full of challenges and is ever-evolving. When you love to learn new things every day, you would love this domain as your career.

No Prerequisites

Thankfully, there are no prerequisites for making a career in cybersecurity. There are many cybersecurity professionals who are self-taught, though a degree in computer science or cybersecurity-related certifications can make you reach high positions easily. You don’t necessarily need a degree or so for starting a career in this domain. 

Despite having the highest talent pool in the IT industry, India faces a shortage of talented and skilled cybersecurity professionals. If companies get highly educated, talented, and experienced professionals, they are ready to pay INR 1.5 crore or more.

Cybersecurity is the domain that covers the whole spectrum of technical and non-technical skills. So, you can be a cybersecurity professional if you are a software developer, system analyst, data scientist, security auditor, program manager, etc.

Standard designations for cybersecurity professionals-

  • Ethical hackers
  • Network Security Engineers
  • Cybersecurity Analysts
  • Cloud Security Engineers
  • Malware Analysts
  • Cryptographers
  • Cybersecurity Engineers
  • Security Architects
  • Security Auditors
  • Cybersecurity Manager
  • CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)

When you have such a diversified range of careers to choose from, you would surely wish to enter into this domain. But, now the question is, How?

Become a Cybersecurity Pro

As a career, cybersecurity is trending these days, but there is a huge gap between the available talent pool and the demand for them. Looking at the opportunities offered by this field, it is the best time to start a career in cybersecurity.

There are many aspirants who go with certifications, degrees, and courses to get into this field. You should have a strong basic knowledge of programming languages and other technical skills.

To acquire the required skills and knowledge, you can go with an online training course offered by an accredited institute. This will let you prepare for the certification exam all the while you are in your existing profession. As it offers self-paced learning and self-chosen learning delivery models, you can learn being in your comfort zone. Also, there are doubt sessions to help you out with your queries and job assistance as well.

Enroll Now!

Written By

Salman Ahmad, the CEO and Founder of, is a prolific writer in the realms of tech, fintech, how-tos, and all things mobile, apps, and gadgets. With a passion for simplifying complex concepts, his informative articles serve as an invaluable resource for users seeking to enhance their digital proficiency and stay updated in the ever-evolving tech world. With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he persistently propels GeeksAroundWorld to unprecedented milestones, empowering users and fostering a meaningful influence on their experiences.

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