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Petz Living

You may have laid your eyes on a pair of cute cat winter clothes for this season. But does that mean your pet will approve of them? You can’t be sure. Pets wearing clothes are mainly considered a fashion statement, but they have a purpose to them. This post will help you decide whether or not your pet will enjoy wearing clothes.

The Upside of Pets Wearing Clothes

Some of the pros of pets wearing clothes include:

Protects From the Cold Weather

If your pet cat has a single fur coat, and you get harsh winters, you will end up seeing a lot of pets wearing clothes. It’s always a good idea to get your cats and dogs a sweater or a good thick coat. Keep in mind their age, size, and breed to find out what will best suit them. Cats that are sick or aging could also benefit from a sweater. Some cats, such as the Siberian Forest Cat, have thick fur, which is typical of the northern region they originate from. But not all cats are the same. If you have kittens, you have all the more reason to get cat winter clothes for them, as they are sensitive to weather changes.

Reduces Anxiety

If your pet cat gets anxious from the noise of fireworks, or an ongoing storm in your area, you will have trouble calming it down. Ground your cat with a cat anxiety vest that is easy to use. This will make it feel safe and secure in such challenging situations.

Calls for Occasional Celebration

Christmas is the perfect time for you to get some cute cat winter clothes! It adds to the celebratory vibe of the festive season. Your cat would love them!

The Downside of Pets Wearing Clothes

Not every pet likes clothes! The cons of pets wearing clothes include:

It Makes Them Uncomfortable

Your pet cat could be moody and may totally refuse to wear that new cat vest you bought for it. Perhaps you will have to train it.

Makes Relieving Themselves Difficult

Some shoes make it harder for your pet cat to relieve itself. If you like pets wearing clothes, get what fits them, because it would otherwise add to their discomfort!

Your Cat Could Feel Overheated

This is more likely to happen if your cat already has fur that is double-coated or triple coated. Many cat breeds originate from northern regions, where climates are usually cold due to the proximity to the North Pole. An overheated cat is just as ill as a cat with a chill, so rethink this, and be sure it’s best for your cat.

What About Pet Shoes?

Experimenting with pets wearing clothes tends to be a challenge. But with shoes, the risk is far less. In fact, shoes help in some scenarios. For instance, if you need to walk your cat, but the sidewalks in your area are covered with salted ice, you should protect it, because that kind of ice could harm it. There are several boots for cats you could shop from, so make your pick accordingly.

Before You Buy Cat Winter Clothes

Don’t be hasty in your decision to buy pet clothes. Take care of a number of technical aspects that could help you make the correct choice:

  • Check the Material Used as Fabric for Pet Clothes: cotton is breathable, good for pets having breathing issues, but it does not dry as well as other materials. Wool, in contrast, is warmer, but could make cats feel itchy!
  • Note Down Measurements: You don’t want to end up getting clothes that are just too big or too small! Either blunder would end up making your pet unable to do anything properly. Make sure you know their size, and keep in mind they need to relieve themselves easily!
  • Read Testimonials: Pet owners are usually a great source of information for new pet owners, as they tend to leave reviews for what they loved, or what they won’t buy again, and why. This way, you get a good idea of what would (or wouldn’t) suit your pet cat.

At the end of the day, if your pet feels good wearing the attire you got for it, you can safely buy more clothes. But if your pet feels more challenged, you probably need to drop the idea.

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