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The Best Easy-to-Play Puzzles

Easy-to-Play Puzzles
Image Source: Pixabay

If you are new to puzzles, chances are that you are looking for puzzles that are easy to solve and won’t leave you scratching your head. There are plenty of puzzles online that are easy to solve and don’t require technical skills or experience to solve.

One of the best things about puzzle games is that they often come in different difficulty levels, from easy to extremely hard puzzles. This makes it easy for you to choose a difficulty level that you can comfortably solve.

This article gives you some of the easiest-to-solve puzzles that are ideal for beginners. Let’s delve into them.

1. Sudoku

Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzles available globally. Its popularity may be a result of how fun and addictive it is to play. Moreover, this puzzle game has been around for the longest time. The game is played on a 9×9 grid, with numbers 1-9. The rule is simple, so even if you haven’t played Sudoku yet, there is a possibility that you have heard of the rules. You need to insert the numbers in the rows, columns, and squares and ensure that no number is repeated. Some online Sudoku also offers hints to help you if you get stuck. What’s more, they allow you to redo an entry. This puzzle game is one of the easiest to solve, which is why players of all ages love and play it.

2. Jigsaw Puzzles

A jigsaw puzzle is also another easy-to-solve puzzle available, especially for those with few puzzle pieces. Not only are jigsaw puzzles fun to play, but they offer an entertaining and great gaming experience. The best part is that there are various versions of jigsaw puzzles online that you can download on your phone and enjoy from anywhere.

The aim of the game is to join all the puzzle pieces and reveal a hidden picture or object. These games come in various themes to choose from, including pictures of animals, flowers, nature, etc. If you are just getting started with jigsaw puzzles, it is advisable to opt for one with fewer pieces of puzzles, maybe between 500-1,000 pieces.

3. Two Dots

Of course, this is also another easy-to-solve puzzle that must be on our list of the easiest-to-solve puzzles. This is one of those puzzles that the developers have brilliantly developed. It is simple to learn the basics and how to play it. In addition to that, it offers amazing gameplay even if it is easy to play. This game will keep you glued to your phone or tablet for hours.

The goal of the game is to connect many dots of the same color as you can. But you must make sure that there is a connection between these dots. Once you have formed a complete square, all the colored dots of the same color will disappear. The more colored dots you clear, the more points you will get.

Written By

Salman Ahmad, the CEO and Founder of, is a prolific writer in the realms of tech, fintech, how-tos, and all things mobile, apps, and gadgets. With a passion for simplifying complex concepts, his informative articles serve as an invaluable resource for users seeking to enhance their digital proficiency and stay updated in the ever-evolving tech world. With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he persistently propels GeeksAroundWorld to unprecedented milestones, empowering users and fostering a meaningful influence on their experiences.

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