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Web Development Trends In 2022

Web Development

If you want your project to be of high quality, competitive and memorable, then you need to use modern trends. Keep reading this article to find out what developments will be relevant in 2022.

How relevant your development will be depends on custom web application development services. If you choose proven professionals who are constantly developing, studying a lot, and know what is relevant now, then you can be sure that in the end, you will receive a quality product.

The world of web development does not stop evolving, largely due to the development of technologies, languages​​, and frameworks. Every year, the web platform expands its capabilities and improves the user and developer experience. Therefore, in this article, we will consider the most current trends and directions that need to be applied.

JavaScript Trends in 2022

As we know, Javascript is the most used language on the web. It is the only language that is 100% supported by browsers and that is what makes it so relevant. In addition, thanks to the Node platform, it is one of the preferred tools for server-side development. Therefore, within Javascript, we want to highlight the following trends that will be known and relevant in 2022.


Many have noticed that the TypeScript language has grown a lot over the past few years. Today, it’s hard to find a Javascript-based technology that doesn’t support TypeScript or a framework that discourages its use. While TypeScript still has its detractors, it provides more robust development, earlier detection of potential bug sources, and a better developer experience. That’s why it’s one of the preferred tools for companies that need to run fairly complex applications.


In web technologies, and in particular the NodeJS runtime framework, we have a framework that we certainly want to recommend and that is gaining a lot of followers: NestJS. Nest is just the missing piece of back-end development tools for Node, a framework capable of providing architecture and robustness in terms of object-oriented design. With Nest, developers can better organize their application code and easily take it to the next level.


Also not to be forgotten is the core group of front-end developers who want to work on dynamic web development and may not have much knowledge of Javascript or simply prefer to be more flexible. For them, gaining knowledge in a traditional Javascript environment is not always possible due to the complexity of learning and the need to invest time. Another problem is that the style of the projects they run does not require a heavy library.

In this structure, we find Alpine.JS, a tool capable of providing all the possibilities of component development without the need to write Javascript code. Instead, Alpine suggests using attributes in HTML that serve to specify the behavior of user interfaces.

As a side note, perhaps for those familiar with the front-end development ecosystem, Alpine.JS is easy to understand as TailwindCSS for Javascript.


PostCSS is the tool that allows Tailwind to exist. It’s a framework for converting CSS code from Javascript modules or plugins. To get good performance from all these graphs, it is important to have tools like PostCSS which contain all the necessary plugins to improve the code and optimize it.

A good project is not just following fashion trends and mainstreams, it is also many hours of work, unique skills, creativity, and inspiration. Therefore, if you need a really good project, then you can turn to Devox Software.

Written By

Salman Ahmad, the CEO and Founder of, is a prolific writer in the realms of tech, fintech, how-tos, and all things mobile, apps, and gadgets. With a passion for simplifying complex concepts, his informative articles serve as an invaluable resource for users seeking to enhance their digital proficiency and stay updated in the ever-evolving tech world. With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he persistently propels GeeksAroundWorld to unprecedented milestones, empowering users and fostering a meaningful influence on their experiences.

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