You might have heard of the term hair transplant from many people suffering from baldness. A large number of people consider hair transplants when they encounter excessive hair fall that eventually leads to baldness.
Similarly, when someone plans to get a permanent hair fall solution, a hair transplant is his best friend. However, prior to the treatment, he has a bundle of concerns. These worries include pre-surgery care to post-surgery recovery. A lot of research is required to get to a satisfactory conclusion.
Therefore, in this write-up, you will find answers to many of your queries related to a hair transplant including is hair transplant painful. You can even check hair transplant cost in Pakistan a third world country for a painless surgery.
What exactly is a hair transplant? Is hair transplant painful?
Hair transplant is a potent hair restoration technique that aids in achieving a fuller hairline. It is a surgical procedure that is not intimidating and yields natural results.
The procedure primarily involves removing hair follicles from the safe donor area and implanting them in the required parts, known as the recipient areas.
Moreover, there are two types of hair transplants and both are in practice and are productive as well.
Hair transplant procedures are classified as:
- Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
The Follicular Unit Transplantation procedure includes the detachment of a strip of skin from the scalp from which robust hair follicles are separated and transplanted to the bald spot.
Whereas in Follicular Unit Extraction, individual healthy hair follicles are removed from the benefactor spot on the scalp and implanted into the affected region.
Furthermore, the FUT method produces a visible scar and takes a little longer time to heal as compared to the FUE technique. However, in terms of efficacy, both procedures retain a success rate of above 90%.
What does the pre-surgery examination include?
Before the surgery appointment, the surgeon calls you for consultation and examines the scalp. The examination includes a close check-up of the bald areas, family history related to hair fall, or any other possible reasons for hair fall.
He will approve the operative technique once you are diagnosed as a good candidate for it. Which means that you are physically fit and ready to undergo the treatment?
Depending upon the severity and kind of hair fall or baldness, the surgeon will recommend the hair technique to be used, i.e. FUT or FUE.
Moreover, hair types, donor areas, the number of healthy hair follicles, hair color, and quality play a vital role in the examination.
What to Expect on the day of surgery? And is hair transplants painful during or after the process?
On the day of surgery, your surgeon will apply local anesthesia before the procedure to minimize pain. During the procedure, you won’t be able to feel pain but just the movements of surgical appliances or the touch of your doctor and his team.
Soon after the treatment, you will be released to go home. Your doctor may apply bandages to the treated area. He will advise you on post-operative precautions and give you a few pain-relieving medications to help you cope with the pain.
In short, you won’t experience pain during the procedure. However, after the surgery, there is a chance of pain. But painkillers are a blessing at this moment and help miracles in enduring pain.
What are the benefits of hair transplants?
There are numerous hair transplant benefits:
- Permanent hair fall solution
- Natural outcome
- Long-lasting remedy
- Enhanced appearance
- Regained confidence
- Improved hair development
Hair transplant is the most used hair restoration technique. With time, improvements have been made to achieve the best results. However, the results vary from person to person and, similarly, so does the recovery period.
In conclusion, it is best to say that a hair transplant is a worthwhile technique to backfire hair falls.