Did you know that there are around 5 million operating vending machines in the US that generate around 7 billion dollars in annual sales? This in turn makes vending machine operates around 64 million dollars in profit!
Vending machines also save time, as employees who forgot lunch don’t have to leave the building when looking for sustenance. They’re also low maintenance, making them a great investment.
Have you recently rented office space and are wondering where to put vending machines? Not sure where are the best locations to maximize profit?
Where do vending machines go in an office? Read on below to find out where the best locations are!
Can a Vending Machine Be Placed Anywhere?
Vending machine placement is strategic. You don’t want to set up a machine anywhere near an emergency exit or directly in front of a fire extinguisher, for obvious reasons.
It’s important to note that you can’t set up a vending machine in an office that belongs to someone else without their permission. A prior written agreement, pretty much like a contract, would have to be written up and agreed upon by both parties.
When it comes to locations there are a few things to consider that will help you maximize profit and help everybody enjoy the vending machine. Be sure to place the vending machine in a heavily trafficked area, but not so close to workspaces that it disrupts your employees. Remember that these vending machines will need to be restocked, which can be noisy, so having them in a quiet part of your office will prove to be a hindrance as your employees work.
You also need to think of people who do not have as much ease of movement as others, such as wheelchair users, and those with limited movement.
Machine Accessibility
The accessibility of the machine should be determined by those who need to use it most. A quick survey with your staff asking where they would find it convenient is a good idea.
Remember to take into consideration the positioning of stairs and wheelchair ramps.
Foot Traffic
In your office, you know where all the high-traffic foot areas are, such as the direct path to the bathroom or office kitchen.
People tend to go to the bathroom about 5 or 6 times a day, so placing it directly in their path will help your sales.
Near a Meeting Room
Another good location is to place a vending machine near a busy meeting room. Most people arrive early for a meeting, lounge around a bit, and might want to grab quick water or soda before going into the meeting.
If you are looking for more vending machines options, find out here.
Where to Put Vending Machines
Where to put vending machines in an office or building has long been a debate that has contrasting views. By considering these few points, you will drive more traffic to your vending machines which will generate more sales and in the end, leave you happy with the maximum amount of money made!
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