Enterprise resource planning, or ERP, is the process by which a company’s data is collected, organized, stored, accessed, and edited. ERP systems often contain modules for customer relations, accounting, and product tracking. With recent technological advances, ERP has become an invaluable tool for today’s businesses. Here are a few of the biggest reasons for companies to use ERP software.
Simplified Operations
ERP systems allow team members to do business in a consistent, unified way. Business owners can save money on software while monitoring product pipelines, tracking employee uptime, and accessing relevant data—all from the same platform. With an ERP system for your business, it’s possible to identify redundancies and find areas for improvement, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.
Accurate and Updated Data
In the past, departments used distinct methods and separate databases to gather and store information. The time-consuming process creates journals, checklists, and ledgers, which are useful but increase the risk of mistakes that cost time, money, and labor. ERP systems compile data from various departments into a single database so the information is consistent, accurate, and ready to use.
Easier Tracking
Proper inventory and product tracking streamlines transactions and maximizes profits. Today’s ERP software includes barcode scanning and other tracking features that make it easier for workers to find products quickly. Whether an item is in production, storage, or packaging, ERP software allows users to easily determine its status and get it to the customer sooner.
Better Vendor and Buyer Relationships
As operational efficiency improves and processes become largely automated, companies can allocate more resources to other areas. Customer relations is one such aspect that includes offering timely responses to inquiries, building relationships with potential buyers, and completing transactions more quickly.
Via the ERP software’s built-in tracking features, users can monitor a product’s movement from the time it leaves the warehouse until it is delivered. With a higher level of service, companies can find (and keep) more customers.
Better customer relationships can be beneficial for vendors as well. As companies continue to buy supplies and components to make more products and keep up with demand, they ensure a longer-lasting relationship with those vendors.
Security, Accessibility, and Privacy
While a company’s vital information is typically stored centrally, it shouldn’t be within everyone’s reach. Various departments and teams may need different levels and types of access to data. For instance, a company’s human resources department has access to employees’ information but not that of customers. With the right ERP system, sensitive data is secured and unauthorized access is prevented.
Continued Regulatory Compliance
Businesses of all sizes are subject to regulations and rules, but not all companies follow them. Healthcare facilities, for example, must follow HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations to stay in business. With compliance support included, ERP software helps companies follow regulatory guidelines.
Modules Allow Greater Flexibility
One of the biggest advantages of ERP software is its scalability and adaptability. ERP suites consist of various modules users can add whenever they are needed. For example, a retailer may at first need accounting, HR, and inventory modules, with the ability to add others later. ERP software allows companies to add to—instead of replacing—their vital systems as they grow and change.
Implement an ERP System and Watch Your Business Grow
As discussed, there are quite a few reasons for companies to use ERP systems. Unfortunately, the imprecise implementation of these systems may be more harmful than beneficial. To see the advantages listed above, business owners must work with reliable providers and system analysts who can help them choose the right software for their enterprises.