WordPress today is the most popular Content Management System (CMS). It powers a majority of websites that we see on the internet today. This is why many business owners are looking to hire a WordPress agency London for their website needs. The key reason behind the growing acceptance of WordPress is the unique features that you can add to it.
WordPress is a wide concept in its own rights. It means there is always something that you can learn and find out about it. For example, till now you probably know that because of Plugins, you get to include different features on your website. But do you know that these Plugins aren’t always required to enable a particular feature?
If you intend to work on WordPress for a long time making websites, you must know about these vital WordPress hacks. Adding features on your site using Plugins is something that you can find out anywhere on the internet. But these hacks are tricks that will make your job a lot easier.
Although before that, let us shed some light on WordPress Plugins first.
What are WordPress Plugins?
On WordPress, there are tons of small bits of software which are known as WordPress Plugins. These can be uploaded to your site which enhances your website’s functionality. There are free and premium WordPress plugins available for you to choose from.
WordPress Hacks that Require No Plugins
Now that we have covered why WordPress is quite popular and learned a little bit about Plugins too, it’s time to catch up on our main topic – WordPress Hacks that require no Plugins.
If you have been longing to know what are some of the interesting features which can be introduced to WordPress without Plugins, your wait end here!
1. Changing the Footer Text on WordPress Dashboard
When you create a website for your business or your client’s, you must keep branding tactics in mind. Any experienced WordPress agency in London would. By doing so, you make your website more approachable to your potential clients. You probably have the brand’s logo on the login page already, but there’s something else that you can do. Add a tagline on the dashboard footer as well. It could be anything, related to your products and services, or just something to make the users smile.
How to do that? Simple! Open the functions.php file and follow the instruction given here:
function remove_footer_admin () {
echo “Your own text”;
add_filter(‘admin_footer_text’, ‘remove_footer_admin’);
2. Keep Your WordPress logged in for a Longer Time
Working on WordPress for a long time can be a daunting task and quite exhausting. And you are bound to reach a point where you feel irritated to make even the slightest extra effort than you had to. For example, your WordPress logging out after a while and you having to log in again and again. We all have been there. Therefore, wouldn’t it be better if you have the luxury of extending your WordPress login time? It would allow you to get less frustrated and save quite some time too.
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Find out the WordPress hack without Plugin to do keep your WordPress logged in for a longer time:
add_filter( ‘auth_cookie_expiration’, ‘stay_logged_in_for_1_year’ );
function stay_logged_in_for_1_year( $expire ) {
return 31556926; // 1 year in seconds
3. Delay the RSS Feed Posting for 1 Hr
When you post content on your blog, it is only natural that sometimes it could end up with more errors than you would like. There could be typos, space errors, or anything of that sort. But once you have uploaded it, your RSS feed is already sending it to your subscribers. So there’s never enough time to undo the mistakes. Here’s the great part! With the hack we have here for you, you can delay the RSS feed posting.
How you ask? Go to functions.php file and just add that:
function Delay_RSS_After_Publish($where) {
global $wpdb;
if (is_feed()) {
$now = gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’);
$wait = ’60’;
$device = ‘MINUTE’;
$where.=” AND TIMESTAMPDIFF($device, $wpdb->posts.post_date_gmt, ‘$now’) > $wait “;
return $where;
add_filter(‘posts_where’, ‘Delay_RSS_After_Publish’);
4. Hack to Disable WordPress Login Hints
As advanced as the internet today is with effective security options, security threats have risen with it. Therefore, it is better if you take as many precautionary steps to keep your website safe as possible. One thing a hacker would surely love is login hints. It’s like serving your website’s credentials on a plate. Do you want that? If not, then we have a hack here for you.
Learn how to easily disable your WordPress login with no plugins. Open functions.php file and use these:
function no_wordpress_errors(){
return ‘GET OFF MY LAWN !! RIGHT NOW !!’;
add_filter( ‘login_errors’, ‘no_wordpress_errors’ );
5. No More Categories During Search
Do you want more control over the results you attain on your website? Then you probably want to get rid of specific categories that are there in the result pages. Categories such as press release, portfolio, etc. These are just some of the many there are on most websites. By getting them out of the site for good, you can be benefitted.
First, go to functions.php file and follow the instructions given here:
function SearchFilter($query) {
if ( $query->is_search && ! is_admin() ) {
return $query;
The competition that we have in the market today is not a surprise. So the faster you cope up with the latest trends, the better. If you are looking to hire a WordPress agency in London, make sure you hire a good one. You want professionals who can think out of the box and dedicate themselves to help your website be the best among your competitors.
The hacks that we have here for you are some of the popular ones that might help you through the process. As far as finding a reliable WordPress agency in London is concerned, you need a service that can help you create a website that meets your ideas and business goals at affordable prices.