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What is YouTube Stock? Beginners Guide to YouTube Stock

YouTube Stock
YouTube Stock

YouTube is enormous and continues to grow. Many investors are flocking to buy its stock because it is the media platform of the present and future. But is it possible, and if so, what is the price and symbol, and what else do you need to know about purchasing shares in YouTube?

YouTube is not a publicly-traded company, but Alphabet Inc is, with the ticker (stock) sign GOOGL.

Relationship between Alphabet and YouTube:

Although digital advertising is still a growing business with plenty of space to overtake traditional advertising in the coming decade, Alphabet is already a more diversified firm than it is given credit for. In the long run, YouTube, Cloud, and a diversified hardware company will become increasingly significant.

So, Google stocks are the way to go, if you want to gain exposure to YouTube.

You’ll be able to obtain direct exposure to it one day if Alphabet decides to split off YouTube, as eBay and Fiat did with PayPal and Ferrari, respectively.

These newer Google businesses will be critical to the stock’s ongoing development in the next years, given how swiftly they are growing. However, this extremely profitable digital conglomerate is committed to venturing into a new sector. As a result, I wouldn’t bet against google stock rising in value over the next few years.

You can invest in either GOOG or GOOGL and gain the same exposure to Alphabet.

GOOGL provides you more shareholder voting rights (which most shareholders don’t care about), whereas GOOG doesn’t give you any. Because the share classes were constructed to ensure that Google insiders maintained control of the company, investor voting rights are unlikely to have a significant impact on any issues.

You can indirectly invest in YouTube by purchasing stock in Alphabet, which is a publicly-traded business with the ticker letters GOOGL and GOOG on the NASDAQ.

If you’re wondering what the distinction between them is, GOOGL (class A shares) has voting rights, whilst GOOG (class C shares) does not.

As a result, if GOOGL is the same price or less expensive than GOOG, it is unquestionably a better investment.

The stock market of YouTube:

Look for the stock symbol GOOGL on this exchange if you want to invest in YouTube by purchasing shares in their parent firm. Google is a major player on this exchange, as well as in the United States.

Their sales exceed $90 billion, which is greater than the GDP of many small businesses, and places them alongside Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) as true modern-day international titans.

YouTube Stock Symbol:

YouTube is a Google auxiliary, which implies it is important for the bigger firm and doesn’t have its stock trade posting. 

You can gain a piece of YouTube by buying stock in its parent organization, Alphabet (Google). 

Google changed its name to Alphabet and turned into an auxiliary of Alphabet in 2015. It tried to turn into an innovation behemoth, growing past search and promoting. 

So here’s the way it works: 

Alphabet (a public company with stock for sale) > Google (Alphabet division) > YouTube (product owned and operated by Google)

Notwithstanding the adjustment of corporate name from Google to Alphabet, the stock images remained generally the same.

YouTube Today (Stock Price)

Each ad toward the start of a video, each supported thumbnail, and each flag advertisement creates income for YouTube and, likewise, Google. Moreover, they give premium supported bundles to publicists that pay a ton of cash to get their message before many individuals, creating a large number of dollars in income for Google each day. 

They are consistently state-of-the-art, so as long as the financial exchanges are open when you read this, you ought to get a precise cost. As recently expressed, this isn’t its stock cost, but since their prosperity helps Alphabet’s, it’s as yet worth contributing in case you’re enthused about the eventual fate of this video-sharing site.

Is Investing in YouTube Stock a Good Idea?

YouTube is an amazing stage in the social, video, and search spaces regardless. It’s quite possibly the most famous site on the web, without any indication of content, client, or publicist development easing back. 

Putting resources into YouTube shares could payout over the long haul. In any case, because YouTube is possessed by Google, which is claimed by Alphabet, things become somewhat confounded.

Let’s take a look at why financial backers trust YouTube as a strong venture for google.

The organization’s impact is utilized by YouTube to empower watchers, content suppliers, and advertisers to invest additional time, energy, and cash on the stage. 

YouTube draws in more content makers and publicists than some other video stage as it has more viewers. 

YouTube consists of more content than some other video site, bringing about a higher number of watchers. 

YouTube has more promotion than some other site, drawing in more substance designers hoping to bring in cash from their work. 

In any case, there’s a trick: the best way to hold YouTube shares is to put resources into Alphabet, the organization’s parent enterprise. This implies you’ll place cash into the entirety of Alphabet’s different organizations.

Is it wise to invest in Google stock?

Since YouTube is a Google subsidiary, buying the stock of Google will give you admittance to an assortment of other Google organizations and products. Putting resources into Google isn’t just a way to acquire exposure to YouTube thusly. It tends to be considered as a differentiated interest in web promoting, distributed computing, video real-time, man-made consciousness, and other innovative undertakings. 

Investigate what you get when you put resources into Alphabet stock: 

Google is answerable for 99% of Alphabet’s income

Online adverts represent 85% of Google’s income. 

Content on Google Play and YouTube, membership charges for its efficiency devices, ouTube administration expenses, and other permit cash are altogether wellsprings of income for Google. 

Equipment deals get some cash for Google (for instance, Chromebooks, Nest, and Google Home)

5 Most important factor to buy stock in Alphabet’s YouTube:

Google is a tremendously effective firm that has liberally remunerated its investors. It can be an awesome alternative to invest in a tech aggregate with a wide scope of state-of-the-art business lines if you wouldn’t fret possessing an organization that makes most of its cash from computerized promotions. 

  1. You can get a piece of YouTube by buying stock in its parent organization, Alphabet (Google). 
  • Google changed its name to Alphabet and turned into an auxiliary of Alphabet in 2015. It sought to turn into an innovation behemoth, growing past search and publicizing. 
  • To put resources into YouTube, buy stock of Google utilizing the GOOG or GOOGL tickers. 
  • With the new presentation of fragmentary offers in the monetary administration business, share cost is no longer as significant. 
  • While Alphabet shares are around $2,000 per share, fragmentary portions of YouTube’s parent firm might be bought for as low as $1. 

In the initial nine months of 2020, YouTube produced around $13 billion in income, a 24 percent expansion over a similar period in 2019. 

What’s Next for YouTube stock?

Even though it isn’t effectively accessible for purchase, recollect when most businesses expected you to sit in a desk area from all day, working for “the man?” those days are a distant memory, and there are plenty of freedoms to bring in cash on the web. 

You may create a YouTube channel and figure out how to adapt it, yet you can likewise endeavor live exchanging. You should simply buckle down.

Benefits of investing in Alphabet:

If you purchase shares of the alphabet to invest into YouTube, you will likewise be putting resources into the accompanying organizations: 

  1. Search: This is the world’s most well-known internet searcher, with a piece of the pie of about 90% ( search is the world’s second-biggest web crawler). 
  • Android is the most famous versatile working framework on the planet. 
  • Google Play Store: Google’s application store creates billions of dollars in yearly deals. For everything sold through the application store, it’s anything but a portion of the cash. 
  • Google additionally possesses Verily and DeepMind, just as interests in many other cutting-edge organizations that could turn out to be exceptionally effective later on.
  • GCP (Google Cloud Platform): Google Cloud, regardless of being more modest than Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, is quickly growing in the rewarding distributed computing area. 
  • Gmail Google Chrome, as well as Google Maps, are instances of projects that rule their class. 


Even though it’s anything but conceivable to purchase the stock straightforwardly on the financial exchange, financial backers can purchase values in its parent organization, Alphabet. Thus, you will claim a part of YouTube, just as other incredible items and organizations in Alphabet’s portfolio. Keep in mind, even with sure things like Alphabet, it’s anything but a smart thought to see how to investigate and pick organizations before you begin picking stocks all alone.

Written By

Salman Ahmad, the CEO and Founder of, is a prolific writer in the realms of tech, fintech, how-tos, and all things mobile, apps, and gadgets. With a passion for simplifying complex concepts, his informative articles serve as an invaluable resource for users seeking to enhance their digital proficiency and stay updated in the ever-evolving tech world. With an unwavering dedication to innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence, he persistently propels GeeksAroundWorld to unprecedented milestones, empowering users and fostering a meaningful influence on their experiences.

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