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How many products can Pimcore PIM handle?


As a business grows, the amount of products that pass through it grows as well. Eventually, a need for a well-designed system that can keep track of all of them will arise.

This is not just to let you know how many items you have in a warehouse. No, you will also need to know a whole lot of other data relevant to the products you have – pricing, lifecycles, even related products.

All of this can be really hard to track if orders are placed by phone, if some entries are made manually, and if all data is not standardized and uniform. 

Pimcore PIM is the perfect solution for all of that, but the question is – how many products can it handle?

Millions of SKUs

There’s just no other way of putting it – Pimcore PIM can handle literally millions of products and SKUs whose relationships amount to dozens of millions. So, it’s safe to say it will cover you pretty well. 

In fact, there are companies out there that are using Pimcore PIM to handle records of more than 100 million products.

But what’s even more impressive is the fact that this is all done in a single repository that’s very easy to use and highly intuitive, which saves you a whole lot of time and, ultimately, money. 

So, no matter the size of inventory you’re dealing with, this is the best system to keep track of every single item completely effortlessly. If you want to read more about it, click here.

Many other advantages

But this is just the tip of the iceberg of things that set Pimcore PIM apart from the competition. For example, it works brilliantly with any third-party ERP software and will integrate with it without the slightest hiccup.

This is immensely important for any webshop because the webshop will be provided with the right product information every single time, so working with Pimcore will be immensely helpful. Learn how to work with Pimcore here.

Then there’s also the fact that Pimcore PIM helps a lot in expanding a business not just across a country, but across continents too, primarily because it works so well with various digital commerce platforms

This is because the SKU data is stored in such a way that it’s organized for different countries and languages. As a consequence, no matter where you’re expanding to next, the most relevant data will be readily available.


Keeping an eye on your SKUs is the best way to prevent problems that can arise from working with inaccurate data. 

If you don’t do this, something will eventually start impeding the work you do with your suppliers, orders can be placed wrongly, and deliveries can get messed up. 

Not to mention that it becomes much more difficult to maintain the level of quality your customers expect from you. Pimcore PIM deals with all of these problems at once, saving you huge amounts of time and money in the process. 

Compared to the competition, it always comes out on top, plus it can also help you expand on foreign markets. Therefore, if you need a system to deal with your SKUs the right way, this is most certainly the best solution – check all the Pimcore advantages on this website.

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