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How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Firm

How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Firm

Did you know that the US carpet cleaning industry is worth $5-billion? Many homeowners and businesses have a need for carpet cleaning services. If you have the skills, equipment, and passion, you could build your own carpet cleaning firm. 

Although running a carpet cleaning business may require substantial investment to get started, the rewards are high as many companies that offer this service find it very lucrative. 

But where do you start if you want to open a carpet cleaning company? 

In this guide, we’ll talk you through the steps you need to take when starting a carpet cleaning firm.

Write a Business Plan

As with any new company, you’ll need to write a business plan. This should identify the following: 

  • Your target customer
  • What equipment you’ll need 
  • How many employees you’ll need
  • How you’ll market your business
  • How you’ll fund your business
  • How much you’ll charge

Your business plan will not only be a useful roadmap for your company’s future, but it will also help you when it comes to securing funding. 

Get Trained

If you’re not already professionally trained in cleaning carpets, you’ll need to gain expertise. Find a course and get a recognized qualification as this will provide your business with credibility. 

In addition to this, get some on-the-job experience. You may be able to work for another cleaning company to gain confidence using the tools of the trade. 

Register Your Carpet Cleaning Firm

You’ll need to register your business with the state, and you may also need to obtain licensing. Check the legal requirements in your state. 

Get Insured

If anything goes wrong while you’re on the job, you’ll be liable for repairing any damage. Having adequate insurance to protect your business is vital. 

Set Up a Business Bank Account

Any business, even a sole-proprietorship requires good financial housekeeping. Separating business and personal finances is essential, so set up a bank account for the company. 

Obtain Funding

If you’re not able to fund the purchase of the equipment and vehicles needed to run your business, you’ll need to find outside investment. Some avenues to explore include: 

  • Taking out bank loans
  • Using a business credit card
  • Seeking a private investor

You’ll need to be confident that you’re able to repay and funding, plus interest, within the allotted timeframe. 

Buy Equipment

To start a carpet cleaning firm you’ll need transportation, carpet cleaning equipment, and cleaning products. 

Shop around and find the best equipment available. Remember, the quality of your work will largely depend on the equipment you use. 

Market Your Business

With the right marketing tools, you can increase your carpet cleaning clients. You may want to consider using the following methods:

  • Using a website and SEO
  • Using pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Advertising in local newspapers

Marketing can be a time-consuming job, so consider outsourcing this task to a specialist company. 

Start Cleaning Carpets

Your carpet cleaning firm will be as successful as you make it. By following the steps discussed in this guide, you could start your company in a relatively short space of time. 

Did you find this helpful? Check out the rest of the advice in the ‘how to’ section of the site. 

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