Are you aware of the fact that you only get 5 seconds to impress your recruiter? Within these 5 seconds, you should be capable of selling your resume and making the impression that you are the perfect candidate. Do you often have the feeling that your resume is overlooked? If you are feeling the same, go through your resume and make sure to avoid these critical errors that make you and your resume invisible!
To achieve the perfect resume and create the perfect impression on your recruiter, go to the nearest resume writing services in India.
1. Typos And Grammatical Errors
The easiest to make yet the most major one! Typos and grammatical errors are mistakes that can be avoided by many, but the problem is that most of these mistakes are overlooked. Only if you read your resume once or twice, you would be able to make sure that your resume is grammatically perfect. Or else, your recruiter would conclude that you are an illiterate or careless person, which would be a huge no for them.
2. Be Specific Always!
Be specific! Always remember this phrase while typing out your resume. Write important facts and details about yourself. Many would state various facts that would be present in all the resumes that the recruiter has received, so it is in your hands to make yourself stand out amongst those 1000 or more resumes. Add a number of supporting facts for all the details that you are stating in your resume.
3. Don’t Be Lazy!
Everyone wants to feel special, and this goes for the recruiter too!
While typing out a resume, make sure you customize each of your resumes according to the job that you are applying for. The recruiter needs to see why you are a perfect fit for the organization, or else your resume is just another piece of paper.
4. Highlight Your Duties While Talking About Your Accomplishments
Most people think that highlighting their accomplishments is a good way of catching the recruiter’s eye. This is not 100% correct but also not 100% wrong. You should highlight your achievements, but make sure that you highlight your duties too.
For example:
I increased the sales of my company within a few days.
I increased the sales by 20% using the current technology and surveys.
These two sentences have the same meaning, but the difference is that the second one shows the recruiter what you are capable of and how you would do the same.
Need help? Ask yourself these questions:
- How could you stand out from the crowd?
- The problems faced during your task and the methods that you used to overcome the problems. How did it benefit your company?
- Did you receive any recognition for your accomplishments? If so, how were you recognized by your company?
5. Understand, Think, And Then Write
Unlike the previous days, nowadays resumes are one or two pages long, where you should make sure that you have written everything that you have achieved so far on one page.
This one to two-page resume can be a boon as well as a curse. It’s a curse for those who do not know how to use it properly. While writing your resume, make sure you add only the important details. Do not add irrelevant data, but at the same time, don’t skip out on details that could get you a “yes, you are the perfect candidate” from the recruiter. Understand the needs of the recruiter. If needed, look into resume samples for the job that you are applying for and make sure that your resume is better than or similar to that example.
6. The Summary Should Be The Mirror Image Of Yourself
This is a very important part, hence it is advisable to visit resume writing services in India for writing the perfect summary.
The summary should always be professional and specific. It should be like bait that the people you are targeting would fall for.
Adding vague terms or commonly used statements would only push the recruiters away from you. Have a perfect balance. Don’t be too personal, and at the same time, don’t be a person who could be a company pushover.
7. Use Action Verbs
Add as many action verbs rather than using long phrases like “responsible for”. This gives you a more professional look and would tone up your resume’s overall appearance.
8. Leaving Off Important Information
All jobs have their importance. Hence, while adding details in your experience column, make sure you add jobs that also have soft skills included in them. It is better to be the perfect mix of all.
9. Texts Should Not Be Microscopic!
This is a tip for all the freshers out there. It is okay if you are not capable of adding all the details to your resume. It is better to add the important information only, rather than creating a barely readable resume full of details.
10. Incorrect Contact Information
Double-check the important parts of your resume that you would not even consider double-checking.
This information especially goes for the “contact information” column. Most people write this part without paying much attention, as subconsciously they would be sure that they won’t make a mistake. But unfortunately, most of them make mistakes in these parts.
Hence, it is always best if you visit resume writing services in India for getting the perfect resume.