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This Is How to Shoot a Rifle the Correct Way

Around 492 people die from unintentional gunfire each year. While that may seem like a small number, it adds up. Many deaths could have been prevented with more responsible gun use.

While many blame the gun industry for these deaths, the fact is that irresponsible shooters are the causes of the problem. Guns are useful tools for self-defense and hunting. And like any tool, you need to know how to use them in a safe way.

Knowing how to shoot a gun is crucial for gun safety. Learn how to shoot a rifle correctly by following the instructions in this guide.

How To Shoot a Rifle

While this guide does offer the basics of rifle shooting, you have no business shooting a gun unless you have taken a shooting course. Some states won’t even allow you to own a gun until you’ve taken a safe-shooting course. This is an important step in gun and rifle safety.

That said, here are the basics for shooting a rifle.

Carrying the Rifle

Even if you have checked to ensure the gun isn’t loaded, carry and aim as though it is. There is no such thing as being too careful with a gun. When you aren’t aiming, always point it downward and away from any other creature, including yourself.

Keep your finger off the trigger until you’ve decided to shoot as an added safety measure.

Aiming the Rifle

When you’re ready to shoot, align your sight with the target. Control your breath, as heavy breathing can throw off your stance and/or aim.

Try to focus any necessary movement on the target. Don’t pull the trigger too fast, as it could jerk the gun out of alignment with your target. Instead, squeeze the trigger slowly until it fires.

Don’t let go of the squeeze until the bullet has left the barrel.

Know Your Rifle

These are the basic rules for rifle shooting. However, different rifles work with different mechanisms. When you purchase a rifle, make sure your read all rifle instructions front to back. This will help you know your rifle and how to use it right.

If you’re interested in owning a rifle, visit and check out the Cooper firearms selection. These are the most accurate hunting rifles on the market, and they can be customized in ways that are unique to you. They also have quiet safeties and flush mags, which adds to their use as hunting rifles.

Before you purchase, remember to see if you need to take a gun safety course according to state law. And even if you don’t, it’s highly recommended to learn how to use your particular rifle properly in these courses. Again, you can never be too careful about guns, and these courses are an important step in promoting safe gun use.

More How-To Advice

Guns are great for many uses, and hunting can be an excellent sport. But remember to learn how to shoot a rifle safely before entering the woods.

Visit our How-To section for more.

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