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Types of Predictive Maintenance

Types of Predictive Maintenance

Maintenance is based on the condition in which the assets or machines go for maintenance when a sensor device diagnoses the disturbance. A particular type of signal is transmitted into the machine that predicts which part is out of order then it becomes easy to maintain the assets or machines. 

In this way, the assets/machines are prevented from failure and thus work smoothly. And the production continues. These days, predictive maintenance is the prevailing one because it is planned when specific requirements are fulfilled and before the machine is disturbed. Where reactive maintenance comes forward at the time of need, unscheduled maintenance causes production difficulty. In a word, Predictive Maintenance solutions are best among the other maintenances.

Working on Predictive Maintenance

In Predictive Maintenance, baseline data is taken before checking the assets/machines with the sensor device. It helps compare the operating results of the tools of assets/machines. It is not much difficult, and a comparison in the present and baseline working of the tool sensor device points it out, making it easy to maintain the assets/machines. Predictive Maintenance comes in some of its types which help the organizations in a different way to prevent their assets/machines from complete elimination. These are:

1- Acoustic Monitoring

In this type of Predictive Maintenance, firstly comes Acoustic Monitoring. This type of Predictive Maintenance diagnoses the equipment’s disorder by the change in the sound during work. The workers working on that equipment for a long time can diagnose it better. But sometimes, the change in sound is not audible even to the experienced workers. So sensor device is set critically to observe the disturbance in the equipment. Checking the heartbeat or heart rate of a person standing near the working equipment is another way to diagnose the disturbance through acoustic monitoring.

2- Vibration Analysis

In Vibration Analysis of Predictive Maintenance, the vibration of different tools inside the equipment and the equipment is measured. Comparison of the baseline and current speed of vibration figure out the problem and prevent the organization from a huge loss. Sometimes sensors are set inside the equipment with different tools to predict the disturbance more precisely. An organization must record quintessential vibrations regularly to enhance the accuracy of the equipment.

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3- Temperature Technology

Regularly inspecting the temperature of the equipment saves the organization from a significant loss, as it will diagnose the disturbance if it occurs. Sometimes equipment gets high temperature because of running without any stop, but the temperature sensor device inspects the faulty part of the equipment. Industries mainly use this type of Predictive Maintenance.

4- Motor Circuit Analysis

From the electronics industry to the marine industry, Motor Circuit Analysis is used in almost all industries. As far as the fundamental problems of equipment are concerned, Motor Circuit Analysis is best to point them out. Whether it is a new motor or a motor already working in the equipment, disturbance in both the motors can be tracked by Motor Circuit Analysis. It is related to the rotational speed of motors inside or along with the equipment, and it could be best for various kinds of motors.

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