Shortcut links are useful when you want to navigate quickly to a specific website or file. However, sometimes these links break, and the shortcut no longer works. If this happens to you, don’t worry – there is a way to fix it.
1) Find the broken link
The first thing you need to do is find the broken link. To do this, open your web browser and go to the page that contains the broken link. Once you’re on the page, right-click on the link and select “Copy Link Location.” This will copy the complete URL for that page to your clipboard.
Additionally, you can try to find the broken link by looking at your browser’s history. If you visited the page recently, it should be listed in your history. Just open your browser’s history, find the page, and copy the URL from there.
2) Create a new shortcut
Next, open a new window in your web browser and paste the copied URL into the address bar. Press enter and you should be taken to the page that contains the broken link. From here, right-click on the broken link and select “Create Shortcut.” This will create a new shortcut on your desktop that points directly to the page with the broken link. You can go over here if you want this explained in more detail, or you can go online and research the steps for yourself. Also, it is very important that you don’t delete the broken shortcut from your desktop.
3) Test the new shortcut
Now that you have a new shortcut, you’ll need to test it to make sure it works. To do this, simply double-click on the new shortcut and see if it takes you to the page with the broken link. If it does, then you’re all set! The shortcut has been fixed and you can now use it as normal.
If the new shortcut doesn’t work or if you get an error message, then there may be something wrong with the URL that you copied. In this case, you’ll need to go back to step one and try again.
Additionally, you may want to try creating a new shortcut from a different web browser. If you’re using Chrome and the shortcut doesn’t work, try creating it in Firefox or vice versa. Sometimes, different browsers handle URLs differently and one may work where the other doesn’t.
4) Delete the old shortcut
Once you’ve confirmed that the new shortcut works, you can go ahead and delete the old broken shortcut from your desktop. To do this, simply right-click on the shortcut and select “Delete.” This will remove the shortcut from your desktop and free up some space.
Image Source: Pixabay
Shortcut links are a great way to quickly navigate to your favorite websites or files. However, sometimes these links break and the shortcut no longer works. If this happens to you, don’t worry – there is a way to fix it. In conclusion, if a shortcut link ever breaks, be sure to follow the steps outlined in this guide in order to fix it. Good luck!